Join today

Girl eating toast

Together we can boost healthy food and drink options where kids learn, play and grow.

Organisations who join Vic Kids Eat Well are supported to make bite-sized changes to canteens, lunch orders, events and more. You'll get resources, access to a dedicated health promoter and rewards for every healthy change you make.

Vic Kids Eat Well is supported by the Victorian Government and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria in partnership with Nutrition Australia. 

Join now by filling in the form below. A health promotion professional will soon contact you to get you started on your Vic Kids Eat Well journey.

 How does it work? Find out here.

Organisation contact details

Organisation details

Street address

Mailing address

You can look up your local government area on the Victorian Government's know your council website.

Further information

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After you submit this form, a health promoter or Vic Kids Eat Well team member will be in contact to get you started on your Vic Kids Eat Well journey.

Information Statement

Vic Kids Eat Well is supported by the Victorian Government, and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria, in partnership with Nutrition Australia. Vic Kids Eat Well collects information about member organisations to assist with participation in Vic Kids Eat Well and for planning, reporting and evaluation requirements. This includes information about progression through Vic Kids Eat Well and characteristics of participating organisations (e.g. location, size).

Cancer Council Victoria may share the information provided with the Victorian Department of Health, Victorian Department of Education and Training, Nutrition Australia, Community Health Organisations, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, and VicHealth. All parties will take all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of the information provided.

Any person registering their own organisation with Vic Kids Eat Well, or registering on behalf of an organisation with the organisation’s permission, is consenting to the following:

  • the organisation’s name being made available on the Vic Kids Eat Well website;
  • identifying information about the organisation being shared with health promoters and other supporting organisations for the purpose of providing support while participating in Vic Kids Eat Well;
  • the provision of de-identified information to other parties for reporting, research or evaluation.

If certain information is not provided, an organisation may not be able to fully participate in Vic Kids Eat Well. An organisation may ask to no longer be a member of Vic Kids Eat Well at any time by contacting us at

Privacy Collection Statement

Cancer Council Victoria also collects the personal information of the contact person/people within participating organisations, including name, role and contact details to assist with the organisation’s participation in Vic Kids Eat Well. We may need to disclose personal information to third parties, such as health promoters, the Healthy Eating Advisory Service and other supporting organisations, for the purpose of providing support to participants in Vic Kids Eat Well. An individual or organisation may ask to no longer be a member of Vic Kids Eat Well and/or to stop receiving communications from us at any time by contacting us at

For more information about how we handle personal information, including how to access and correct it, how to make a complaint and how we handle complaints, see our Privacy Policy.